Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Found a tick in my side this morning - any nurses or doctors who can advise, please?

I pulled with tweezers but don't think I got it all out. Freaked me out to even see it. Now the spot is black (less than half-inch diameter circle) and is surrounded by red circle that is not a rash but feels warm.

I looked at WebMD and know to be looking for rash and/or flu-like symptoms within 72 hours. Also know that doxycycline (antibiotic) administered within first 72 hours will reduce risk of Lyme disease by 87%. I feel fine and hate thinking like a hypochondriac. The area does feel a little warm, and I definitely feel like I was bitten.

Anyone with knowledge of these things? Maybe a nurse or doctor reading this? I do NOT have health insurance (and am more freaked out about that than I am about this tick bite), but I want to do what I have to do - what is that, please?Found a tick in my side this morning - any nurses or doctors who can advise, please?
Ok, here is what I would do. Ticks are basically just really big parasites who carry other smaller parasites. Any tick bite can cause a variety of different infections and diseases If you just yanked out the tick without using a lighter or tweezers and missed the head, you are almost guarenteed an infection as the head starts to decompose. You have to get it checked out, no doubt about it. If you are from the south...there is a lot of lyme disease (a friend of mine got it from a backpacking trip in tennesee) you don't want to wait til you have to be hospitalized (that would cost you a great deal more than a doctor's visit). If there are any colleges in your area, they prolly have a health clinic of some sort that is much cheaper than a normal doctor's visit. Go there, get it looked at...get meds and get better. I am currently studying to be a PA and while I don't know everything a PA knows, I do have some training and common sense. If you are worried and it's hot (infection) you need to get it checked out. Good luck

From the fiance,,,

If you DIE you wont need health insurance!Found a tick in my side this morning - any nurses or doctors who can advise, please?
OH my god. I know you don't have health insurance.

Listen up. Lyme can be a potential debilitating disease than can be treated easily.

Here's what I would do:

There are stupid little clinics popping up all over called minuteclinic or quickcare or whatever. It will cost you $40, and talk to the nurse. She will confirm or deny a tick bite, or they will not let you in because your problem is too complex. They will give you a script for doxy, but most likely a strong abx now.

Believe me you will feel lyme disease. If you spend money on a doctor now, he will either dismiss as a hypochondriac if you're wrong or save you from a miserable existence. Either way he takes your money!
When removing ticks you have to be sure to get the head out. You may not have done this hence the warmth (infection!). You really need to be treated and to get the rest of the tick out...go to a free clinic!...;

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