Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What advise would give for a boy who is obessed with a girl?

I think about her 24/7What advise would give for a boy who is obessed with a girl?
Do something else with your time. Listen to music, join clubs and sport teams, get a job or do community service, and hang out with friends. It's not healthy to think of her that often.What advise would give for a boy who is obessed with a girl?
Dont become obessed will affect you mentally and physically, try to focus on a few girls, because if she doesnt have the same feelings back its gona really kill you inside.
hey. im kinda am in the same situation. im just thinking of some other to girls.. is what i do and it seems to be working

I would like to have a pet tortoise, but know nothing about them, can you advise on difficultiness?

we are considering doing the garden out so a tortoise can roam freely

will a tortoise get attacked by cats

do they sleep in a hutch at night

i know you have to allow them to hibernate i live in England

how long do they live for

any other vital information

thank you for your help as this will be considered very carefully before we decide wether to or not

can i or should i consider medical insurance for a tortoise

thank you for your help

xxx viciI would like to have a pet tortoise, but know nothing about them, can you advise on difficultiness?
i've had a tortoise since i was 6 years old.

as far as i know, tortoises don't usually get attacked by cats. they can protect themselves pretty well, and i don't think they move quick enough to be of much interest to your average moggy.

the don't tend to sleep in a hutch. my tortoise was given a little wooden shelter to use on a night (my dad made a basic box out of wood, with a little doorway cut in one side). just find a sheltered area of the garden, and put a wooden box or something similar down that the tortoise can crawl in and out of when it feels like it. what we found though is that she preferred to go crawl in amongst the rockery plants, or under the bushes near the garden wall.

they can live for over 100 years, so u have to seriously plan on having this pet for the rest of your life, and then handing it on to someone who u can trust to take care of it.

unless u plan on keeping it as an indoor pet, which i wouldn't recommend, then u will need to let your tortoise hibernate from about late october to early march. mine gets put in the garage. u need somewhere nice and cool like that. a house would be too warm for it to hibernate in. a secure shed or garage are the ideal places. ours gets put into a carboard box that has a decent amount of newspaper in the bottom to make a kind of 'nest' for it to sleep on. then the cardboard box (don't forget the breathing holes !) gets sealed with a bit of tape, and then put into a larger box loosely filled with more newspaper. (for insulation). it's always a good idea to open up the box mid-winter and check that the tortoise is ok. if u touch one of it's legs, it's reflexes should make it withdraw it's leg slightly.

u can tell when a tortoise is ready to hibernate. it will refuse food, and start to spend most of the day sleeping somewhere sheltered. there is a period during early autumn though when u will be able to still let it out through the day, but will need to put it in it's cardboard box overnight. not a good idea to leave a tortoise out on a frosty night.

when they come out of hibernation (check on it daily once it gets to march time), it helps to give your tortoise a wash in a shallow tray with some luke warm water in it. it's eyes might need wiping with some water on a cotton wool ball. the tortoise might not eat for the first couple of days, and might need to be brought in on an evening until it gets warmer.

tortoises love to eat the following : most crunchy salad vegetables - like cucumber, lettice, raw peas, dandelion leaves. also fruit (mine loves strawberries - makes such a mess !). but dogfood can also be good for them. it helps promote healthy shell growth. get a brand that is more of a meat paste consistency, rather than the type with lumps of meat in it. (we use Chappy) we spread a little bit onto pieces of cucumber.

i have no idea as to whether or not u will need any pet insurance. it's not something we have ever needed, luckily our tortoise has never needed medical treatment.

tortoises make quite good pets, but obviously it will never show u the kind of affection that u would get from most other pets. i guess it all depends on what u are looking for from a pet.

hope this helps. any further questions, feel free to e-mail me.I would like to have a pet tortoise, but know nothing about them, can you advise on difficultiness?
Try these sites

Care of Desert Tortoises

Comprehensive鈥?- 19k - Cached

Cheloniauk - Tortoise care in the 21st century.

... Tortoise, Testudo hermanni boettgeri, Testudo Graeca, Testudo Ibera, Testudo ... site for Tortoise keepers in the UK - concentrating on the care of Tortoises - 18k - Cached

Slowcoach tortoise site : care of Mediterranean tortoises

A site for tortoise enthusiasts ... The tortoise is a living fossil having ... Jackson graph on the correct weight for your tortoise (see separate care sheet)鈥?- 16k - Cached

Tortoises For Sale - UK - Mediterranean Pet Tortoise For Sale

Specialising in Captive bred Mediterranean tortoises for sale to UK - 5k - Cached

Help and Advice for your Tortoise

Expert help and advice on all kinds of tortoises and reptiles. ... advice on how you should care for your tortoise, our advice is to listen - 38k - Cached

Tortoise Care sheets - in a downloadable document format

tortoise, chelonia, redfoot, spur thigh, hermanns, hermanni, testudo, gracea, kleinmanns, kleinmanni ... Tortoise and Chelonia Information and Care sheets鈥?- 11k - Cached

The Tortoise House

Welcome to The Tortoise House where you will find reliable and accurate tortoise information and tortoise related advice to help you care for your - 6k - Cached

Tortoise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tortoise has both an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton. ... Tui Malila remained in the care of the Tongan royal family until its death by ...

Quick Links: Evolution - Biology - Birth - 52k

Slowcoach tortoise site : care sheets

A site for enthusiasts of Mediterranean Tortoises ... Care sheet for Mediterranean Tortoises. Tortoise Fingerprinting ... HORSFIELD'S TORTOISE. Back to top of page - 5k - Cached

Mediterranean Tortoise Care Sheet, Hermans tortoise, Marginated tortoise, Greek Spur-thighed tortoise, Horsefield's ...

... breeder that the new owners will be giving the tortoise the best possible care. ... scratches the surface of the captive care on these interesting reptiles so my鈥?- 40k - Cached
1. No it will not be attacked by a cat as it can hide in its shell and has too tough skin to get hurt.

2. Yes they will sleep in a hutch at night my friend has one.

3. They can live for 80-100 years

You must not let them bury themselves and make sure there are not little holes in the fence they can get through. Feed them once a day and line their hutch with straw or hay and make it warm and cosy.

While its young keep it indoors.................... hope this helps good luck!
make sure you get home bred dont let a young one hibern8 they often die.they get attacked by rats.keep it indoors in winter.
i have had my tortoise for forty years he has the run of the garden all summer but i always take him indoors at night in the winter he stays in doors out doors they hibernate when it gets cold but they wont survive being left out in winter also if you have a pond make sure it is covered so the tortoise cant fall in funny enough they dont float and they cant swim
Garden- make sure it is VERY escape-proof first, and as dog-proof as possible. Tortoises can get through a lot of gaps you don't even notice, and they tend to push through any opening they get their head through.

Cats- not usually a problem. Dogs, raccoons, skunks, birds of prey, and humans are generally bigger issues- but cats can attack and harm tortoises.

Hutch- Depending on your local environment, a warm (or heated), dry, weather-proof hutch is a good idea.

Hibernation- research this well! has good articles on this and many other issues as well.

Longevity- most pet tortoises go for about 20-40 years with good care, but sadly, many will not make it to 5 because their needs are not being met.

Insurance- tortoises rarely generate enough medical costs, when well cared for, to justify this.

Good luck! Check out the site mentioned- it is British as well, so should be very useful.
I would advise you from purchasing a Tortoise until you have researched enough to know that they are not easy to keep.

Tortoises can be attacked by cats as well as birds. Tortoises can not defend themselves though can retract into their shell - not good if a bird decides to peck in between!

Tortoises will only hibernate if the temperature falls enough to send them into hibernation. This can be extremely dangerous since they need time to digest any recent food intake for at least a few days in order to give them a chance to get rid of anything left inside of them or else it'll rot inside their stomachs and kill them during hibernation. In fact you only need to hibernate a Tortoise if you're going to breed them otherwise it is not necessary.

Tortoises should be kept indoors, not only to protect them from the dangers but Tortoises are cold-blooded reptiles and therefore need a constant source of heat to help keep them warm. Preferably they need to be kept in a vivarium with all the necessities. All what is required can be found in related books.

There is so much vital information that placing a question here simply isn't going to help you. You need to do research and buy a few books to get a proper idea as to what is involved as well as the huge investment needed in order to keep a Tortoise as a bills alone (with or without medication) is a whole lot more than for your standard domestic pet.
They cant roam freely its not warm enough you need a terrarium heat lamps etc can only put them out when its warm do you know how much they cost? don't get one on a whim cos they generally live for a very long time

Please advise me: I've just received an abusive and racist email from another Yahoo Answers user?

Would anyone be kind enough to advise me? I've just received a personal and very abusive email from a Yahoo Answers user called 'Jake' - it's basically anti semitic and is calling Jewish people 'retarded' and claiming they lied about the Holocaust.

Has anyone else had problems with this person? I found his email really offensive.Please advise me: I've just received an abusive and racist email from another Yahoo Answers user?
I'm sorry to hear this. Unfortunately there are a lot of people here who think it is funny to behave like complete and utter morons. They think they are big and brave when in fact they're silly little trolls hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. There are plenty of people here who are decent though, so please don't be put off.

Forward any insulting emails to answers-abuse@ I would also advise forwarding them to the UK Messenger Team as I've found that they are far more efficient at getting things done. Oh, for pity's sake. Yahoo won't let me write out the full e-mail address without editing it out, so just ignore the spaces in the address: uk-messenger-abuse @

Here are the guidelines on how to report these emails, this comes from the Yahoo! Help pages.

';At this time, we will need you to forward a copy of the message, as opposed to sending it as an attachment, because we are currently unable to accept attachments. Please include the following in your report of

email abuse to assist us in a prompt and full evaluation:

1. Original subject line -- Please forward the email with a subject identical to the original subject.

2. Complete headers -- Email programs often display abbreviated headers. To learn how to display the full headers in a Yahoo! Mail account, please visit the Yahoo! Mail Help Desk at:鈥?/a>

3. Complete message body -- Please include the complete, unedited content of the email message in question. Please do not change or edit the message in any way.

If reports of email abuse are missing any one of these three items, it may take longer for the Yahoo! Mail Abuse Team to properly investigate and take appropriate action. We appreciate your efforts in reporting this abuse to Yahoo!.';

I hope this helps... I know it's hard, but try not to get too upset bby fools who are out to cause trouble. xPlease advise me: I've just received an abusive and racist email from another Yahoo Answers user?
Don't allow emails.
Yeah, this guy Jake made several racist and insulting remarks to a question the other day; he's clearly got real problems. You should definitely report this to the organisers; people have every right to use this site without then receiving offensive emails, especially if there's racist content!

Only someone with very low intelligence would behave like this; judging by other remarks of his that I've seen, he's clearly a total moron.
The thing to do is do not take this personally and report this to Yahoo..... he doesnt know your email so when he is cancelled and hopefully disbarred from using yahoo again then he cannot contact you...

There are some real idiots on this site...
Don't make your email available for people to see. I have mine hidden so people won't see my email or any other info. Just don't post your emails where anybody can see it.
This sort of thing is getting far too common; I know that several people, incuding myself, have had abusive emails. Just ignore it, but save it in case you need it. As far as I am aware this is all prettty recent. The one I got was 5 or 6 weeks ago but other people have had them in the last week.
I just wanted to send you a hug, we arnt all like that sicko on here, Im so sorry you had to read that abuse. Send me his e.mail addy, I,ll tell him some home truths.
copy the email and send it to yahoo answers report abuse section
just ignore him.....he seems to be the retarded one.....dont waste 5pts on a loser like that. just delete him if he sends another email...or report him if you wish!
You didn't say where you were, but in many countries such an attack is considered a hate crime.

Sounds to me from the tone (esp. the use of the word ';retarded';) that ';Jake'; is a minor. Further, he has sh*tty, racist parents. I hope he is reading this and responds before he grows up to turn his on-line angst into physical violence. Don't ignore him - report him. Stop this disaster waiting to happen.
Unfortunately, receiving abusive emails is the price you pay for giving honest opinions on YA. There will always be cowards like Jake who will hide behind their anonymity in order to strike out at people with whom they disagree. The best thing you can do is simply ignore him. That will drive him crazier than anything else you can do, because he is starving for your attention.
hes some jerk hiding behind yahoo to have a pop at people....
The only thing I can think of is to block his email address, so he can't reply anymore. Hope this is of help.
What a prat, sorry you had to go through that - thats just unacceptable. I'm not perticularly sure, but I'm sure some other nice yahoo users will advise you on how to report him to YA so that he is banned. Sorry, again.

Take Care

Best Wishes
I saw that answer and yours, he doesn't know anything. Ignore him. He's an idiot. You are a good person.
What a b*****d. Sorry - all bigotry %26amp; anti - isms make my blood boil.

What was this person's address - try reporting him directly to Yahoo - weird there doesn't appear to be a specific external place for this sort of problem on Answers.

Maybe most of us just behave ourselves.
Use the do not allow e mail option .thats the best way to keep the idiots out of your mail box
Forward it to yahoo as suggested !

Please don't let that little baby and his like upset you! They aren't worth the ground YOU walk on, luv.

As you go through life you'll meet a lot of 'Jakes' who haven't the maturity to disagree without being offensive or like to Bully people and the best way to deal with them is to develop what I call 'Hole through the head syndrome' Let it go in one ear and straight out the other. It frustrates them when people don't react! Just remember that for every 'Jake' you'll meet there are 10 'Johns' and that John is a really NICE GUY!
click on report abuse
well I would most definately report him [maybe he is a nazi]
he is a small minded bigot and probably gets off on this sort of thing.just ignore him he may crawl back under his stone if he doesn't get the attention he is after
you should report him to
report it .........we are all as one despite colour or creek.... lets live inharmony say hi to your neighbours black white pink or green good would you feel ? smiley happy people ......
you have already taken action by showing this question a lot of users will now see this so don't you worry secondly there is a report abuse section to click so yahoo will take notice im sorry you have had to deal with such a person and hope that this will be resolved soon good luck
Jake appears to be educationally challenged

probably gets off on harassment

Jake is also a coward technology is a handy tool for him

in other words a nob ....if you let it get to you the nob wins

ignore Jake he will go away looking for someone else to

intimidate......if this nob comes to mind visualise cocoa the clown at a computer
Antisemitic? The word itself is a scam.
Well well well. First of all you need to understand the difference between INSULT and ASSULT. Did he kick your ***? No, then there is not nothing you can do. If some one says bad word on a face of PRESIDENT, there will not be a DAMN thing anyone can do. Although you will be removed from the area like SMALLEST AUNT? Move on girl. You people call us by name everytime. But guess what we have the most expensive cars and houses then any of you. Is this offensive too... We are INDIANS by the way.
Its a free country and he can say what he likes my dear. If you don't want to talk to people don't allow e mail.
  • lip makeup
  • Please advise how to make-up fastly with good result.?

    Please advise me the steps and technic to make up fastly but with best result. Thank you.Please advise how to make-up fastly with good result.?
    apply foundation with a spongs dust over some pressed powder . then get one of those multi purpose sticks for eyes lips and cheeks ie a peach y pink or browny colour and apply it to eyes lips and cheeks. other wise use a clear gloss aplly blusher to the fullest part of your cheeks and a bit of mascaraPlease advise how to make-up fastly with good result.?
    tinted moisturizer to even out or balance the color and powder to set it. pinch your cheeks and bite your lips-out the door.

    if you must use blust, just dust a puffer over your blush and dab on cheeks, blend.

    lip gloss is great with a hint of color- won't show when you don't get it in the lines completely.

    hint of color on the eyes with some eyeliner in a color (instead of brown, grey, or black) looks awesome in the summer. especially on dark skin.ooohhh!!

    powder goes on in a downward motion so it won't grab onto hairs and make shadows on your face.
    Tips for great skin and good makeup鈥?/a>

    Doctor advise to drink a litre of water first thing in morning.I do that but now pass pee every hour.Help l?

    A litre all at once is quite a LOT.... but if you dehydrate fast, maybe that is why he wants you to drink so much at one time.. it is definitely not good to be dehydrated... I on the other hand have the OPPOSITE problem.... I retain water due to a heart and lung condition and must LIMIT my liquid intake to 2 litres a DAY spread out over the entire day----it really isn't very much liquid but I have to measure it carefully.... I think I'd be happier HAVING to drink a LOT then HAVING to drink too little. Oh and talk about having to PEE???? I am on a VERY STRONG dose of diruetics due also to my heart condition and everything that goes IN comes out---rather soon after drinking it too... I spend probably HALF my day in the bathroom any more... (due to my condition and the fact that I AM over 50).....

    Does anyone educate there child at home im doing it shortly would like some advise from people thanks?

    i would be very grateful on any advise on the work i have to doDoes anyone educate there child at home im doing it shortly would like some advise from people thanks?
    First of all, let me just say in response to some of the responses (from people who obviously have no real homeschool experience):

    1. While you need to be a trained expert to teach a classroom of children in a school, you don't need to have the same training to work at home with your child. I've done both-- homeschooling is nothing like classroom teaching, and it shouldn't be because it is an entirely different approach to education. I know dozens of homeschool families in my community-- the kids are thriving and very, very few of the parents have any professional teacher training.

    2.The only people who are concerned about homeschooling socialization are probably socially deficient themselves since the only place they can think of a young person socializing is in school. You can go out 7 days a week with your children to the park, playground or let them play with friends outside. You can sign them up for classes- morning or evening-- workshops, bring them to library programs, get them involved in sporting teams, clubs, scouts, 4H clubs, dance classes, karate, community center classes, and all kinds of extracurricular activities-- the possibilities are limitless unless you live significantly far from civilization. If you have an active homeschool community in your area, they probably meet for play groups, field trips, workshops and all kinds of activities on a regular basis. I could go on for ages, there is so much I'm not even covering much. Homeschool children I find also tend to have more free time to volunteer and are able to begin volunteering very young, and in this they gain some valuable hands-on work experience, find some wonderful mentors and learn about the importance of helping their community. If you look around a little at the possibilities in your city, you'll probably find there are more opportunities than anyone could ever have time for-- in our community, people often have to step back and cut things from their schedule, which easily can become overloaded with too many interesting things to do.

    3. Teacher expertise is not necessary in a teaching situation-- that's why so many teachers are not teaching in the fields they got their degrees in. Peer tutoring has been proven to have such a high success rate because working one on one and at the student's pace seems to outweigh any teacher expertise. If you don't know something, learn it with your child, do research together, take a class together, find educational software or videos and watch them together, or seek out an expert to help you in certain areas when you feel the need.

    That all said, good luck to you. Best place to start:

    1. Find out your state laws on home education

    2. Go to the library and read up on education and homeschooling, search the web and find out as much as you can about different approaches to homeschooling, different learning styles, different educational philosophies, etc.

    3. Look in your community for other homeschoolers; it's great to find a support group. Try the librarians at local libraries (children's section), they'll probably know if there are any groups or co-ops in the area.

    4. Remember that school is one model for education, and maybe even a good model, but it's not the only good model. Don't worry about doing things like they do in school-- a classroom setting is completely different.

    MSBDoes anyone educate there child at home im doing it shortly would like some advise from people thanks?
    It depends on the age of the child, if they're very young you need to make sure to not spend too much time on one topic, (at once) take breaks, and put information into simple terms. With older children you should get them into a club or something else to socialize with kids their own age.. The socialazation with the younger kids is still important, however, not as important as with someone older. Home schooling will not ruin a child's socialazation skills, in fact, in my case it made it a lot better since no one makes fun of me anymore so I have a lot higher self esteem and I'm not afraid to let people know who I am now. I hope this helps!
    Yes, I am homeschooling. Reasons for homeschooling are important. If you are forced to do it because of school suspensions or something along those lines, the actions are significantly different, I think, than if you are teaching at home to give your kids a good education.

    Kids thrive at home. People who talk about train wrecks ignore the millions of homeschoolers there are in the nation, and the fact that they do quite well, in everything from going to college, to vocational training, to the work world. It can be a very positive experience.

    Get information, first. A good place to start it your state's homeschool laws. is a good site to get information on the laws in your state. It is a converative site, so be aware of that...but the links to homeschool organizations, and their links to local laws are invaluable to a beginner.

    Get in touch with local homeschool organizations; if you live in an area that is moderately populated, there will be a group or two out there you can get with to see what's going on.

    Assess your child. Figure out where they need help. If you are pulling them out of school, you may already have an idea of that. Find out what interests them and see if you can use it to your advantage. It may be that your child loves horses, or they love skate can you leverage that to their schooling? It's easier than you might think.

    Realize that it's work...a lot of work. Realize you DON'T need a degree to teach. Most parents teach their child a language, how to walk, basic interaction, some reading and some math before they go to school. There is more to teaching than a degree, and some of my worst teachers had fact, all of them did.

    Don't pressure yourself to make ';school at home';. Change the framework to creating an environment for learning. With one-on-one attention, you're alread ahead of the curve. Instead of dividing attention between 30 kids, you can focus on the one, and you can take the time you need to ensure they understand the concepts you are teaching. It's not a can go at their pace.

    Make sure your child is involved in their education. Don't do it all for them. Have them help pick curriculum, experiment together with different approaches (if they are able...some kids are too young to do this, or if they have special needs, you'll have to do it for them).

    Good luck to you. Don't listen much to the people that say it never works, or it's a social disaster. They rarely have any real practical experience with the community, or if they do, it's in a setting that predetermines them to have a negative experience. There are a lot of kids out there thriving after their homeschool education. Harvard grads, to graduates of vocational programs, they are all over the place. It works if you let it.
    Find a support group in your area. This is the MOST important thing you can do.

    Trust yourself.

    If you are scared just starting out, try the Calvert School curriculum, it comes to your door COMPLETE in a box and you can purchase grading and exam service if you wish. I started out with them and it really built my confidence.

    As you can see, you might experience the ignorance and disapproval of others who are conformists and bigots. But you will have the last laugh when their kids are in rehab and your kids are in Harvard.
    Many argue against homeschooling on the grounds that homeschooled children cannot interact well with those who are different. But is it not very ironic that said opponents display their own lack of social skills when they demean those who choose a different educational path? It is also extremely hypocritical.

    And to whoever said we should just let our children be ';normal';: if we are all unique and diverse, then what is the standard for normalacy?

    As for info about homeschooling, I agree with what previous homeschooling posters have said. Research is key.
    I have been homeschooling my kid's for 4 years now.

    It is what you make of it. If you put into it, then you get out of it.

    The socialization stuff is crap and it's getting old.

    My kid's have non-homeschoolinging friend.

    Who are always asking me to homeschool them.

    My kid's are part of 4-H, Girl Scouts, YWCA.

    Homeschooler's don't live in a bubble!

    Now with that said!

    You can homeschool your child and have fun doing it.

    The whole world is now open to your child, through your

    eyes. Not the ';teacher's';.

    What interest your child? Start with that and build off it.

    There are workbooks at Wal-Mart, Sam's Club and other

    store's. There are homeschool/teacher store's were you can get what you need.

    Free online worksheet printouts and so much more.

    Talk to your child about field trips. What do they like,where

    would they like to go,what would they like to see.

    You can do this and it's not hard at all.

    Hope I've helped you in someway!
    I educate my children from home. There isn't anything more wonderful, than knowing that your child is learning and that you have something to do with it. My advise

    #1 Have fun with it, you'll both enjoy it more (and learn more)

    #2 Don't worry about what others are saying.

    #3 Don't stress you and your child out (even schools don't cover everything that is in a book during the year)

    #4 Find some way to be social and involved in your town

    My children are enrolled in a school called Connections Academy. It is a virtual school, totally free to you as a parent because it is a public school. They send us all the books, supplies and even the computer plus they pay for part of the Internet bill. The best part is you have the lesson right there in front of you, you are the one teaching it but if you or your child has a question, there are a teacher that is a e-mail or phone call away. Connections Academy has all the social events too, including clubs, field trips, and even dances (prom) and they will have a real cap and gown graduation.

    To check it out go to:
    First of all, please don't rule out home schooling because you think you are not qualified. You are their mother. You know them, love them and care for their future more than any paid state employee.

    Don't rule out home schooling due to the 'socialization' propaganda.

    Find out your state's rules, call a support group leader, meet some home school students, and do research on line.

    It is so sad to hear on line of the brain-washed ideas of public school students and parents concerning the glory of public school.

    On line is the only place I've heard the bashing of home school. It seems that in our area that it is accepted and teachers realize that the public school is not for everyone.

    I think when people meet well adjusted, bright home school students, it is useless to bring up the socialization myth.
    Home schooling a child causes them to be socially deficient. Please don't do it. Just let your kid be a ';normal'; kid; don't single him out and cause him to have social problems....because it will....there's NO WAY around it.
    No, I think you should leave it to experts who are trained in the job. Education is one thing that leaves a STRONG impression on one's life.
    Home schooling... bad idea unless you have a degree in education with majors in Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Music, Computer Science and so on...

    Want your children to receive a good education? Send them to school where the trained (and under paid) professionals are. Home school is a train wreck...

    Skybus is going out of buisness. Please advise?

    I live in Cols. Ohio,. and i just heard that at 9:30 tonite, Skybus is closing the doors! I have tickets, and the news said to contact the credit card company for refund. Will banks and companies give us back our money for paid tickets?Skybus is going out of buisness. Please advise?
    I flew to Ohio Friday morning on skybus and found out friday night that they shut down. My return trip was scheduled for sunday, so now I'm up a creek. All the airlines were full or WAY too expensive $800??? I chose the $120 skybus tix for a reason. So now I'm driving back to NC tomorrow for a friggin 8 hour drive. Funny thing...I wasn't being cheap when I bought the tix...I wanted to support the upstart business. Jokes on me. 20 bucks more and I could've flown southwest.

    Sorry for venting....

    To answer your question.... I have American Express and they wouldn't refund it without going through an investigation which they said could take 6-8 weeks. I'm like...';investigate? it's all over the news...go to google and then credit my account.';

    good luck to you on getting your money are not alone.Skybus is going out of buisness. Please advise?
    check with other airlines what most of the carriers are doing

    are allowing skybus passengers to fly standby on their airline

    (American US air, Delta Continental ) all will allow you to fly their

    airline with a service fee of $100.00 and fly standby

    so thats one way to get to your destinatination

    or you could call American express and ask them again

    if they rep isn't helpful ask for a supervisor they should

    know the carrier is out of business by now
    If you paid by credit card, they should be able to do a charge back, because the services weren't delivered

    Contact them.

    My brother is having diabetic what drugs,advise can you give him, and the diet he will be taken thanks?

    A lot depends on which type he has. The best advice is to listen to the doctor. If he has type two diabetes, I have many tips and advice here:鈥?/a>My brother is having diabetic what drugs,advise can you give him, and the diet he will be taken thanks?
    Lets straighten out some facts. Your brother is not having diabetes like some 3 week flu. He has diabetes (for the rest of his life) and will be on medication, diet and lifestyle for the rest of his life. He should be tested to determine his glucose levels, and based on the results and the type of diabetes, the doctor will determine what to prescribe: insulin shots, or pills: glibenclamide or tolbutamide or many others. In both cases he will observe a low carb diet (absolutely no soda or any form of sugar, and exercise, exercise.My brother is having diabetic what drugs,advise can you give him, and the diet he will be taken thanks?
    I agree with the first answer. He should listen to his doctor!

    Anybody who once participated in National miss (name of ur state) pageant I need advise!?

    So the training I heard cost a lot.. Is it a scam?

    Like it cost 475 and u earn money through sponcering but idk like what companys sponser it.

    Help please?

    who sponsers it?Anybody who once participated in National miss (name of ur state) pageant I need advise!?
    You have lots of questions. I recommend you find a site that will explain all that.
  • lip makeup
  • Found a tick in my side this morning - any nurses or doctors who can advise, please?

    I pulled with tweezers but don't think I got it all out. Freaked me out to even see it. Now the spot is black (less than half-inch diameter circle) and is surrounded by red circle that is not a rash but feels warm.

    I looked at WebMD and know to be looking for rash and/or flu-like symptoms within 72 hours. Also know that doxycycline (antibiotic) administered within first 72 hours will reduce risk of Lyme disease by 87%. I feel fine and hate thinking like a hypochondriac. The area does feel a little warm, and I definitely feel like I was bitten.

    Anyone with knowledge of these things? Maybe a nurse or doctor reading this? I do NOT have health insurance (and am more freaked out about that than I am about this tick bite), but I want to do what I have to do - what is that, please?Found a tick in my side this morning - any nurses or doctors who can advise, please?
    Ok, here is what I would do. Ticks are basically just really big parasites who carry other smaller parasites. Any tick bite can cause a variety of different infections and diseases If you just yanked out the tick without using a lighter or tweezers and missed the head, you are almost guarenteed an infection as the head starts to decompose. You have to get it checked out, no doubt about it. If you are from the south...there is a lot of lyme disease (a friend of mine got it from a backpacking trip in tennesee) you don't want to wait til you have to be hospitalized (that would cost you a great deal more than a doctor's visit). If there are any colleges in your area, they prolly have a health clinic of some sort that is much cheaper than a normal doctor's visit. Go there, get it looked at...get meds and get better. I am currently studying to be a PA and while I don't know everything a PA knows, I do have some training and common sense. If you are worried and it's hot (infection) you need to get it checked out. Good luck

    From the fiance,,,

    If you DIE you wont need health insurance!Found a tick in my side this morning - any nurses or doctors who can advise, please?
    OH my god. I know you don't have health insurance.

    Listen up. Lyme can be a potential debilitating disease than can be treated easily.

    Here's what I would do:

    There are stupid little clinics popping up all over called minuteclinic or quickcare or whatever. It will cost you $40, and talk to the nurse. She will confirm or deny a tick bite, or they will not let you in because your problem is too complex. They will give you a script for doxy, but most likely a strong abx now.

    Believe me you will feel lyme disease. If you spend money on a doctor now, he will either dismiss as a hypochondriac if you're wrong or save you from a miserable existence. Either way he takes your money!
    When removing ticks you have to be sure to get the head out. You may not have done this hence the warmth (infection!). You really need to be treated and to get the rest of the tick out...go to a free clinic!...;


    I had few friends here but they all moved away i mean got settled in other cities, now i feel really lonely and kinda feel lost sometimes. I am not an outgoing person and i don't have anymore friends, i go out sometimes but i am a very shy person and i can't easily start a conversation...can anyone please advise what i should do in this situation coz i think i am locked out in a room and there is no one around to hear my voice... thanksI THINK I AM LONELY CAN ANYONE ADVISE ME PLEASE?
    I don't think you should try and change your personality to make friends; I know a lot of people that don't have any real friends, but since they are nice and have somewhat of a sense of humor, they are well liked. Don't go out focusing on making friends. Instead focus on having fun,being kind, and eventually someone will want to be your friend.I THINK I AM LONELY CAN ANYONE ADVISE ME PLEASE?
    Same here. My friends all moved away... I'm very shy too. All I did was talk little by little with a nice group of people. And the best worked out for me so hopefully it can work out for you too....
    go to a night club and buy everyone free drinks you will make lots of friends

    only do this if you are over 21
    Im sorry that your friends moved away. And i can imagine its lonely feeling. Its hard to make friends. If you were more open person then i would see it being easier. Personally, you gonna find to find YOU. Deep inside you must find your inner being. You must get out of your shell and change your ways. I would suggest the internet, and find some locals in your area and start off with some conversation. Sometimes, we allow ourselves to get stuck in these ruts...per se.

    i think everything will workout to your benefit, only if you allow it.Start off with the internet and see if theres any chat rooms, and find your local area and go from there, and you'll be surprised to see that there are many of you looking for the same thing. friends. It will be ok, things will turn out and think positive on your life.

    Can Rowatinex Dissolve 8mm gall stones? Please Advise?

    I asked for tablets that could dissolve gallstones when i visited Germany however i think the pharmacist did not quite understand me. She gave me Rowatinex tablets but when i google it it looks as thou they are for kidney stones instead of gall stones. Can Rowatinex also dissolve gall stones. Please advise.Can Rowatinex Dissolve 8mm gall stones? Please Advise?
    For Removal of gall stone Medical Science prefers operation than tablets. Following are different surgical approaches :

    You will have to stay in the hospital for 1 week.

    Laparoscope -an overnight stay in the hospital is recommended.

    Cholecystectomy - a surgical removal of gallbladder.

    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy - gallbladder is removed by means of instrument inserted through a small incision in the abdomen.

    Lithotripter -a device that produces shock waves that break stone into tiny fragments.

    I have an old Iphone and want to put a pay as you go sim card in it can you please advise how i can do it?

    I don't know if you are in the UK or not(?) but if you are, only o2 sell the iPhone, locked to o2.

    If it is on contract, you will have to have it unlocked or get o2 to release it, either making your ex contract number Payg, or getting a Payg sim on o2.

    You may also be able to unlock it to any network at various dodgy shops and market stalls selling phone tat.I have an old Iphone and want to put a pay as you go sim card in it can you please advise how i can do it?
    If you already have a SIM for it, ask your network provider to change it over to a prepay one. If you don't have a SIM at all, find out what network you bought the phone for, %26amp; buy a SIM card for that network - it won't work if, for example, you buy a T-Mobile SIM for an O2 phone.I have an old Iphone and want to put a pay as you go sim card in it can you please advise how i can do it?
    If you want all the features to work I suggest you keep the contract sim you already have, if not then hack in...It's what I done but I couldn't use the net, or check the weather your better off not hacking.

    Can you give me some fatherly advise???

    I've been courting this girl for a months now. I talk to her about my intention. After I told her, I tried to communicate to her some more but she always told me she's busy at work. most of my emails are not responded by her. I'm planning to give her bouquets and presents on her birthday. I just can't figure out how. What would I do?Can you give me some fatherly advise???
    Honestly, telling a guy you are ';busy at work'; really means she isn't interested. I know if I were into a guy, I would MAKE time to communicate with him. You could send a bouquet for her birthday, but if she doesn't respond to it, maybe it's time to move on?Can you give me some fatherly advise???
    I personally know what it is like both ways, and I think that if she hasn't beeen giving you any attenton, you might not be in her focus. You know what i mean?

    I'm not aysing forget about her, but I guess what i would do is to give it a time limit.... Maybe about another 2-3 weeks and if she isn't interested, back down a little.

    I believe that a man is a little more sexy when he isn't chasing after you.... lol. Hey if she wont date you i will.... jokin.

    I wish you sucess!
    She is not interested in you buddy. You need to cool it with the gifts and the intensity You probably scared her off. Move on with your life and don't be so quick to state your intentions until you see that they might be appreciated. This is not the one for you so stop harrassing her.
    Run, RUN now dontlook back, get out while you can.
    Your going to get hurt. She is brushing you off. I would recommend you save your money and move on. Some women you can ';buy their love'; but do you really want to be with someone if you have to buy there love.
    Sounds like your a lost cause. Get a whore for 15 bucks,have a good time,'n kill yourself. a dog that can't talk or do sign language. Have fun !!!
    here's my fatherly advise... MOVE ON!!! she's not interested as you are. don't waste your time on someone who is not on the same level of love or interest as you. trust me.
    It sounds to me like she is trying to brush you off she wants nothing to do with you I would just give up and spend the money on a girl that actually wants to date you. Courting is good and all but if she doesn't feel the same way then you might as well be

    going up sh it creek without a paddle. Remember when a girl

    is telling you she is busy all the time and doesn't return e-mails it is a sign she is not interested life is too short to beat around the bush find someone else and don't court ask them on a date first.
    Bad idea. She's just trying not to hurt your feelings, but she's not interested in you. She wouldn't ignore you if she was interested. If you stop contacting her, and she doesn't call you, that will be your proof. Save yourself a lot of heartbreak and find someone else.
    Listen, I don't want to sound like debbie-downer, but I think you should give up. If she were interested, she'd make an effort to contact you. Sorry dude.
    if she is not responding to you, don't overdo it for her will feel let down if she snubs you, and why spend all that money on someone that isn't responding to you...YOU can't buy love...
    Have the flowers delivered to her work, then when she calls you about it, ask her when you can get together to give her the rest of her gifts. My concern is that you scared her, if you told her you were planning on marrying her, she may not have been ready for that and now she is avoiding you because she doesnt know how to deal with it. You need to talk to her about this and let her know how much you love her but that you can understand if she is not ready for marriage right now. Let her know you are ok with things they way there were and that you are not going to pressure her to marry you.

    Advise on eye cream for someone in 22? ?(to prevent/slow aging)?

    I am 22 years old, and i noticed I am starting to get some minor lines under my eyes. There are many antiwrinkle and eye cream out there. But I only want to nourish my eye not try to fix wrinkle. I am afraid if i use a product too strong like the anti-wrinkle creams-it will be worst.

    So for now, I just want to nourish it and keep it healthy. Please give me some recommendation. Thank you every much.Advise on eye cream for someone in 22? ?(to prevent/slow aging)?
    The #1 cause of wrinkles is sun damage. Sun exposure weakens the collagen layer over time.

    To protect your the area around your eyes, wear SPF every day %26amp; large sunglasses.

    For moisturizing the area around your eyes to keep the skin plumped up, try a light, oil free serum. I like Alba Botanica's Hawaiian Green Tea Eye Gel. I got it at Whole Foods.

    For more information about skin care %26amp; products, check out these sites:鈥?/a>

    This site has lots of information and some product reviews.

    Makeupalley is a free membership site w/ consumer to consumer reviews of all sorts of beauty products organized by brand and purpose. I've been a member for 3 years.Advise on eye cream for someone in 22? ?(to prevent/slow aging)?
    thanks that is great information

    Report Abuse

    My mom uses Mary Kay's anti-aging products. It is so amazing how much younger she looks. She also now feels really great about herself and is confident about the way she looks. I know there are tons of that anti-aging stuff out there. Some don't work, some work too much. Mary Kay's (i know it might sound impossible) anti-aging stuff actually works. I use it myself and it's fabulous!! I have definitely noticed a difference in the lines and how refreshed my eye feels. Mary Kay's products might seem pricey compared to other products, but that's because they really work :)鈥?/a>

    Well if you wanted to go anti-wrinkle then I would recommend Olay it isn't to extreme on your eyes if you chose the right one. A good moisturizer is Aveeno and Neutrogena they are great.
    Okay first, no eye cream under the sun will make it worse, that statement doesn't even make sense. Using a fine line cream would be fine, something over the counter like Oil of Olay eye cream would be good. Stay out of the sun, that's what does it. If you do go in the sun, use sun screen, I'm sure you've heard it all before, but when I was 22 I paid attention, now I'm much older and I look good for my age.
    At 22, you want to go with an eye cream that really hydrates and nourishes the eye area. Avoid creams with harsh ingredients like acids. I've been using Line Control Eye Gel from Aloette for years. It's not that expensive and contains natural ingredients like aloe vera leaf juice. It also helps my under eye makeup go on a lot easier. I highly recommend it!鈥?/a>
    try the garnier nutrise line, ive heard wonders about it. my moms currently using Loreal revitalift that i bought her and she said its pretty good too. But since you only want to nourish your skin, i say go with garnier since its more along the lines of what your looking for.
  • cosmetics
  • Getting my belly button pierced tomorrow, advise?

    also, how sore is it after wards? because i am going to have to do physical activities pretty soon after, like 2 weeks is when it really will startGetting my belly button pierced tomorrow, advise?
    its pretty sore after wards, but not too bad

    just be sure to keep it really clean and it won't hurt

    try putting some warm tea bags over it.. that helps a lot.Getting my belly button pierced tomorrow, advise?
    its usually not too bad until the second day. keep it VERY clean. and when dressing and showering be careful not to catch it on your towel or clothes that hurts lol. epsom salt disolved in warm water to soak your bellybutton works well if it gets infected. you should be okay after two weeks unless it gets infected if it does avoid crunches and sit-ups. if you cant avoid them i advise you to take out your bellyring during the activity.
    For the first few days, it's gonna hurt. It'll be hard to sit down and stand up, because it's gonna e really sore.

    Also, when you change shirts, make sure to be careful not to get your ring caught.

    If you clean it very well and listen to your piercers instructions, the pain will go away and you'll be fine in two weeks.

    Don't listen to anyone but your piercer. Whatever they tell you to do, do it. Usually, they'll recommend a spray/cleaner for it. You're supposed to use it twice a day. Clean it really well!

    Also, when you're in the shower, avoid getting soap around it so it doesn't get irritated.

    You should be perfectly fine, thought. They heal perfectly if you just take care of it.

    Good luck!
    It's a lil sore after wards but not too bad.

    %26amp;%26amp; when yu get it dunn.MAke sure yu clean it really good

    cuz when it gets infected it looks ugly and leaves a gross scar[my cousin]

    %26amp;%26amp; when yu get itt dun it doesnt hurt that much

    jus a lil pinch then it's over with like that(:

    at tha end you'll be happy yuh got itt

    i knoe i was:))

    GOOD LUCK hun=]]
    mine actually didnt bother me really just make sure u keep it clean i used dial anitbacterial soap and the h2o spray it really only feels like a pinch also maybe a little bleeding the first day or two after but as loong as u clean it everyday u should be fine
    It'll be fine after 2 weeks.. mine was sore for about 3/4 days..
    dont do it. it was the biggest mistake i ever did. it gets infected so eaisly!!! please dont do it
    how bout u dont do it

    Advise on how to get over the fear of going to the dentist??

    .....Total sensory deprivation and back up drugs is my usual strategy, however I recognise that this is not good - has anyone ever got over their fear of the dentist and if so, how??Advise on how to get over the fear of going to the dentist??
    The only real way to get over it is to find a dentist whom you can trust.

    Sometimes it can take time to earn that trust.

    Be totally honest with your dentist as there are different ways to treat nervous or phobic patients. ( such as some prefer quick short visits whilst others prefer one long visit getting everything done at once. some prefer everything explained, others perfer to know nothing) It is for you to discuss with your dentist.

    It may be that there is a dentist in your area who specialises in treating nervous patients, ask your dentist if there is one locally.

    Once there are several different types of sedation that can be used to take away the stress of going to the dentist.

    Dentists know that people do not always like coming to see them and thus have many ways of dealing with nervous patients.

    Feel free to email me with any specific questions I can help you with.Advise on how to get over the fear of going to the dentist??
    Just remeber they're there to fix your teeth. If you dont go there are no chances of that happening

    Report Abuse

    Simple, take good care of your teeth.

    In 20 years all they've done to me is poke around my mouth then tell me to go. Oh, and I had them capped as well, but that wasn't exactly scary or painful.
    Everyone should be confident when going to the dentist, especially after the exposure cosmetic dentistry received from the makeover shows on TV. Of course some dentist might not have the style or character that blends with your style. Ask your dentist for a consultation this will give you a chance to let him or her know what you want with your smile. They have access to all the tooth whitening systems available, also the composite fillings that look like natural tooth structure, and of course do not forget to ask about the da Vinci veneers. One simple procedure to ask for is a computer image to show you a before and after of yourself, 2nd would be diagnostic wax-up which will show you a 3-D version of your new smile restored. Sometimes these items have a fee, but its very minor to how your new smile could change your life. So don't be afraid to ask your dentist questions and also educate yourself about all the new dental technology available today.
    self control
    i have been the worst for this in the past - one tip, take a couple mild painkillers 2 hours before your visit, it makes your nerve endings less sensitive

    I've heard that hypnotherapy is good.

    Good luck

    K x
    You could always do it the way I did (not recommended though)

    Get a tooth abcess, be in excruciating pain, the dentist never looked more helpful and welcoming

    It did cure my fear of visiting the dentist though as I realised that he had my best interests at heart and wasn't deliberately trying to hurt me, and believe me I was very very scared of the dentist.
    My kids don't cry when they get their shots because I tell them before going in... ';This will hurt a bit and then it will be over.'; Now, they watch and it never even comes down to a wince or a whine... I don't believe in sugar coating sh*it for asthetics...

    Honesty is the best way to deal with anything. The dentist sux, there are no ways around it. Just tell yourself that they aren't going to kill you and that truly is the worst that can happen so...
    When ever you go to the dentist ask them for 'gas and air'. Even if its just for a check up, it makes you feel really relaxed, and talk to the dentist about your fears. If i ever have anything done i always have gas and air as I'm petrified, and I'm a dental nurse!!!!!!
    yep, got over it no problem,i just don't go
    i know how you feel i was exactly like that myself i just to get Valium whenever i went, i got so scared because when i was little my sister got something done every time she went, i was 3 yrs younger than her and thought the same would happen to me one time the dentist, his assistant and my mum had to pin me against the wall just to change the padding in my mouth as there was so much blood and i wouldn't open it. what i do now is get them to put this gel stuff on my gums before they put any needles in there just to numb the gum first, i still get a little bit nervous at times but nothing to major
    As with a previous answer, I was in terrible pain, going up the wall in the early hours one morning, and willingly went to the dentist.

    I didn't go to a dentist for a long while prior to that after an instance where one performed some botched treatment and I suffered greatly afterwards.

    I was stunned at how things had changed when I went back. The treatment was much better and painless, to the extent that on one occasion I nearly fell asleep in the chair when having a filling.

    From having a phobia of dentists it got to the stage where I had a gum cut and peeled back and then stitched back together after the treatment. This was totally painless and I was able to leave the dentist and go straight back to work.

    Fear of dentist is a terrible thin but it can be overcome. Very best of luck. Robin
    I did have a fear of it myself -- but actually, I discussed it with the dentist. He was very reassuring, made sure to use plenty of pain meds and nitrous oxide, and sent me home with pain meds too. It's hard, because generally what we really fear is the pain, bu tif you talk to them, they generally are very good about it.
    i dislike going to the dentist intensely but luckily i have a found an absolute pearler of a dentist who is extremely good at what he does. He does not cause undue harm either.

    You know what i always do... i just go. Sounds stupid but just do it. 30 minutes of your life and its over.. done

    good luck
    i used to be SO scared of the dentist. it was because i had a crap one at age 8, who gave me a filling before waiting for the anesthesia to kick in (talk about pain), so for many years after i was scared to go again. i finally went 10 years later! and found a real nice dentist and told him i was scared of dentists and that i couldn't help it. well after a few visits i realised he wasn't going to hurt me and my fear subsided. now i can go and not be fearful at all, plus i have moved around a bunch since then and have gotten used to changing my dentists often. is there a reason that you are scared of the dentist, like i was? nowadays, its acceptable to be scared of them, whereas when i was a kid, you jus did what you were told. you don't need to be embarresed. my dentist forms even ask if I'm scared of dentists or not, so they can be extra sensitive towards that patient i suppose. if you haven't had a bad experience in the past, maybe therapy might work, some kind of hypnotism? Good luck on solving your prob.
    I'm 50 and I still hate it but it just has to be done. I went yesterday to have a molar prepared for an inlay to hold the tooth together. They had to wipe the headrest down where I'd been sweating so much. The thing is, I had let my fear keep me from attending for about 20 years so since my wife dragged me there kicking and screaming I've had several fillings, 1 extraction, and 3 caps. So face the fear and go for your checkups then you may not have to have these types of procedures done in the future.

    Advise about hand blender metal shaft?

    Kindly advise me about the hand blender which in your opinion is good and had proper service warrantyAdvise about hand blender metal shaft?
    The hand blender that is most recommended by Cooks Illustrated is the Kitchen Aide, for $49.99. The experts said it's ';As good as many traditional blenders';. I think that's the one to go for.

    Advise on startng my own shop or cafe?

    i want to start my own shop in wales or cafe selling engilish as wellas other european food stuffs products can anyone helpAdvise on startng my own shop or cafe?
    Location is EVERYTHING...........Advise on startng my own shop or cafe?
    make sure u look around i know here in NY there are grants that people just give away to help a developing business
    Unless you've access to a bucketload of money DON'T

    Irish, German, French----anyone here can advise me which is the easiest to learn???

    Thanks for the help in advance!Irish, German, French----anyone here can advise me which is the easiest to learn???
    Irish is very hard to learn.

    German and French are much easier and they are more commonly learned.

    I would advise french I found it much more easier to learn than Any other language!Irish, German, French----anyone here can advise me which is the easiest to learn???
    I do all three and the answer is definitely german!! irish is very hard but it could just have been my teachers! french you have the accent! and in irish they're like a million different grammer points.

    in german if there is a rule, they're aren't a thousand exceptions! plus a lot of words are like english too so i'd recommend that one!
    German, closest to english.
    which one will be most useful to you later in life?
    I suggest French.
    If youre a native english speaker, then French is probably easiest as the sentence structure is similar and there are a lot of words with common roots.

    German also has a lot of words in common, but the sentence structure is different, with verbs moved to the end of sentences etc.

    Gaelic is bloody hard!
    german, also a germanic language
    If you're a native english speaker then Irish. Its just a dialect of english.

    this is my third year and you can remember it really easily

    i use some french words in my normal sentences because im so used to it

    Can I please get some advise?

    Hey last month my mum and dad adopted two young children from ov seas. ages 7 and 1 the 7 year old is really acting out. I was wondering do you think there is anything as there big sister i could do..?

    thnxCan I please get some advise?
    Try to imagine if you were just adopted and moved to an entirely new country, into a home with people you don't know, trying to love on you...would it be a bit overwhelming? Frightening even?

    Take it easy on the kid. Be his friend, but don't expect to be an ';instant'; takes time to build love and trust between people, it's no different with adoptees. Show him he can trust you. Find some fun things you can do together.

    Is there a language barrier? Make an attempt to learn his native language and communicate that way, until he learns English.

    But whatever you do, don't force anything on him, just let him lead the way and take your cues from him. This is a HUGE adjustment and it will take some time to get used to his new life with his new family.

    Good luck, big sis!

    (Sorry...or her, I guess you didn't specify if this was a new brother or sister!)Can I please get some advise?
    JustAnoth... gave really good advice. My advice for the big sis is...imagine what it must be like to be somewhere where no one understands what you are very clearly, very loudly explaining to the best of your ability. Wouldn't that be incredibly frustrating? I know that would make me want to throw a tantrum!

    An overly simple example: Have you ever traveled to a foreign country where you did not speak the language? You just need to know where the bathroom is, you've asked, no one understand what you want, you're getting desperate, you keep asking, you keep getting more desperate...finally it is too late! Now, even worse, you need even more help from all the people who cannot understand you!

    Get a picture book or a set of flash cards with pictures (maybe you and the 7 year old could make them together) and start helping her build a vocabulary base of nouns. This is how I began learning a foreign language that I eventually became quite fluent in. Make it a calm, fun game that you two play everyday. Keep adding words.
    Give her time to adjust. This must be so hard for her I could not imagine been taken from the only place i ever knew as home. Just try to be her friend. Help her make new friends her age. Good Luck
    What preparation did you and your family do before adopting to learn and understand the pain your new adoptees would be feeling upon entering your family? Had you studied Nancy Verrier, Dr. Marcy Axness, BJ Liffton or Joe Soll?

    If you didn't please do so now. Please tell others who may be planning to adopt to investigate these issues BEFORE gaining custody of the child.
    Be kind, buy small things for them. Help them feel welcomed.
    Just be there for her. She is scared and probably isn't quit sure what to think of the situation. It will be hard for her for a while new family new country etc. Try to be understanding and try to talk to her and help her feel that she belongs in your family. Your kind words and actions will help her alot. You're a good sister for wanting to help. good luck
    As I am sure you know the seven year old is probably going through some really hard times adjusting to her new environment and getting over home sickness/country sickness. The best thing you can do is to be understanding. Talk with her, show her fun things to do instead of acting out, and make her feel part of the family.

    If you become her friend and role model it will make her transition easier. Plus, once you become someone she loves and looks up to you can begin to teach her leasons and correct any of her bad manors.
    Poor kid.

    All I can say is put yourself in her shoes, try to see things through her eyes, and you will know what to do to help her.

    Good luck
    Smile a lot. Try not to be real touchy feely just yet. Take them for ice cream. Let them express their feelings in a safe environment. If she is throwing things take them away from her. If she is throwing a tantrum, ignore her. Babysit a lot to give your Mom a break. Good for you big sis.
    make them feel like part of the family. don't ever treat them as them alot of love and care. try not to bring up the whole adoption topic as that will make them feel uncomfortable.

    introduce them to your friends and don't let them feel left out.
  • cosmetics
  • I am looking for farrier advise for a friesian, do they need anything special?

    no nothing at all

    Advise on eating the right foods and when?

    HI just wondering if you can help me. I put on a little weight about 7pounds or there abouts. for the last month now i have been eating healthy and started exercise more but i seem to have not lost a pound its starting to really get to me at this stage ! i only want to lose a little so i feel comfortable in my own skin again. can anyone suggest anything i can try

    all ideas welcome thanksAdvise on eating the right foods and when?
    OK. If you've got serious body issues, whether for being to big or too skinny or whatever it is, this isn't one for you. If however you're generally around the right size most of the time, you might want to give this a go. I tend to do it about once a year for a maximum of two weeks and will lose about 7-10lb.

    Last thing I'll say: this isn't a healthy all year round diet. Just for now and again.

    Go to a good Japanese wholesaler, get yourself a big bag of miso soup - you know the kinds which have separate sachets for the broth and the bits to nibble on.

    Eat/drink these throughout the day, as many as you want, but not too many that you're sick of the sight of them by day two. Even better if you're working cos then you get loads of 'food' breaks that are really just preparing yourself a drink...

    If you're STARVING at lunch time, get something like chicken satay sticks to nibble on. So just protein, no carbs.

    Dinner, get yourself a glass of wine to congratulate yourself for how well you've done. Again, no carbs, steak and salad, chicken and salad, basically whatever proteins you fancy.

    This kind of regime isn't particularly calorific, but more than that, there's really not much volume to sit in your tummy so after a day or two, your tummy shrinks and you don't have much appetite. (Half the battle)

    Normally I'd lose 5-7lbs in the first week and 3-5 lbs in the second week. I wouldn't recommend doing this for any longer than that.

    I also wouldn't recommend overly excersising during this period as it will make you more hungry than the calories you'll be able to shift.

    I have been gettting what i think are ';hot flashes'; at the end of the day, i am 33 weeks pregnant ne advise?

    Basically my cheeks get super red and my body is hot all over.. it tends to last for a few hours.. does anyone think i should be worried about this? I know being over heated can possibly cause harm to the baby.. does anyone know any additional information?I have been gettting what i think are ';hot flashes'; at the end of the day, i am 33 weeks pregnant ne advise?
    It's the hormones.

    I use to sweat at night when I was pregnant with my second and I never did that before.I have been gettting what i think are ';hot flashes'; at the end of the day, i am 33 weeks pregnant ne advise?
    Ask your doctor! He/she is the only one that knows the answer to that!!
    It is totally normal...and AGGERVATING! I have had it all through all 3 pregnancies, and there is not much that you can do about it, other than sit in front of the AC I get them a lot at night. But the fact that I have 2 kids and my hubby in the bed probably doesnt help matters

    I require a green Ford Focus Estate front colour coded front bumper please advise availability and cost?

    have you tried any scrap yards? if you are in the uk and want a new patterned one (as main dealers are silly money) try SEL IMPERIAL, i cant remember their addy, but they should have a website, they do bumpers, headlights etc. if you do manage to get one from a scrappy, i think you'll be lucky to get one in the colour you want, but getting it sprayed shouldn't be too muchI require a green Ford Focus Estate front colour coded front bumper please advise availability and cost?
    Model? With or without fog lights?I require a green Ford Focus Estate front colour coded front bumper please advise availability and cost?
    Contact a ford dealers near you and ask for the parts department they will tell u the price and you can buy it from them direct, its handy to have your chassis number when you phone them they might ask for it.
    $13,480.00 in stock

    How can i hack a computer on my network,how can i control the internet access on an adsl network any advise?

    i want to control internet acess to shared adsl network or control the net so i can disable user download or disable user from browsing internet

    any advise or software that can help meHow can i hack a computer on my network,how can i control the internet access on an adsl network any advise?
    You don't need to do anything drastic like hacking a computer to stop them screwing around on your network.

    Just read up on your router capabilities and cut them off from there.

    No muss, no fuss.How can i hack a computer on my network,how can i control the internet access on an adsl network any advise?
    you dont need to hack but just need this

    What annorax said. If you have a router and have the admin rights you can limit traffic to that computers MAC address. The procedure it brand specific so read your manual or call their tech support.
    depending upon which OS you are using you can turn off a lot of features to prevent users from even accesssing Internet Explorer

    XP has a ton of features that prevent right clicking, saving files etc.

    and there are free programs available to access those commands which is easier than working in the registry
    You might want to download this:鈥?/a>

    How to increase eyes vision as my vision is -17 AT PRESENT. PLEASE ADVISE.?

    There really isn't a way to increase your vision besides Lasik Eye Surgery. It is painless, besides a bright light shining into your un-blinking eye. Thats all.How to increase eyes vision as my vision is -17 AT PRESENT. PLEASE ADVISE.?
    where I live...we increase our vision with a modern day miracle called specs...

    I even hear they have another modern day miracle called contacts...

    who would figure?How to increase eyes vision as my vision is -17 AT PRESENT. PLEASE ADVISE.?
    one way to increase your vision is to get laser eye surgery. I have glasses and I'm really considering it
  • cosmetics
  • Advise me benefits and disadvantages (if any) of keeping a juvenile Flowerhorn fish in a 200 litre tank.?

    I am talking about maintainance, temperature, temperment, food, sub-strata, filtre everything, incl the fish.

    Professional replies would be appreciated. This is my first venture with Flowerhorn, though I have been keeping fish for 7 years now incl Goldfish, Oscar, Discus, Arwona etc.Advise me benefits and disadvantages (if any) of keeping a juvenile Flowerhorn fish in a 200 litre tank.?
    The disadvantages would be that you wasted 200 litre on a juvenile might as well provide the fish with a much larger tank (like a 75-gallon or 400 litre) so it comfortably grow. In a smaller tank it'll require more water changes in order to keep the nitrate level at check. Too much nitrate can easily hamper the health of a juvenile fish. So you are looking at more maintenance.

    The temperature will be the same with an oscar's but I highly suggest that you buy a heater which can take the possible abuse of an aggressive cichlid. Flowerhorn's will sometimes wreck havoc upon the heater and it is best to buy one that is shatter proof or have it enclosed in PCV piping.

    Personally I hope you don't have your intentions set on an underground filter. Your flowerhorn's interest in digging up the substrate will render the filter in operable and insufficient. I would suggest purchasing a powerfilter or better yet a canister filter.

    To make things like less complex I would keep the cichlid by itself.

    Regardless of tank size make sure to keep up with regular water changes. Something like 30-50% weekly will bring out the best in your fish.Advise me benefits and disadvantages (if any) of keeping a juvenile Flowerhorn fish in a 200 litre tank.?
    I would say none sorry can't be more specific
    I have never had a flowerhorn but there are plenty of sites out there that you can check out. I'm sure you could even find a forum to check out too.

    Here are some sites in case you want to read them,鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    Flowerhorns are probably the most vicious fish out there next to the dovii. They are both huge fish and killers at heart. None of the fish you list are even close to a flowerhorn in nasty disposition.

    Big fish make big messes. You will need a large filter. No plants, he will just tear them up. If you have kept arowana, you know about live food and not to use goldfish for feeders, right?

    Temperature will be the same for any South American cichlid. Large gravel would be the substrate of choice for these big guys.

    200 litre? That is what, about 40 gallons? He will outgrow that quickly. They don't call them ';tankbusters'; for nothing.....
    You'll probably need a bigger tank eventually they get big. Also they are some of the meanest cichlids out there, they can even get that way towards you. It will have to be a single tank. As they age there is no way thy'll live with another fish. Maintenance depends so really you just have to figure that out yourself everyone hasd their own preference. Same with filtration. Personally I like to to use an eheim canister filter along with a bio-wheel power filter and always have more filtration than needed. I also like to change 20% of the water every 7-10 days. You need to monitor the weater though and change it accordinly. Good Luck

    Considering getting Labiaplasty&Vaginal Rejuventation any advise or warnings. have a consult in April?

    I had a labioplasty done in May of 1997. One of the problems I ended up having after that surgery was vaginal dryness. I also ended up with damaged nerves afterward.

    If you have other questions for me about my experience with that surgery please feel free to e-mail or IM me off site any time.

    I wanna draw smth cool and easy on my bedroom curtains can you advise me asmything?

    walls are white ,people please helpI wanna draw smth cool and easy on my bedroom curtains can you advise me asmything?
    look at this and see if it inspires you to do something...: XD

    I weight about 145 lbs and i am 5'4 i was to lose weight and tone up lose stomach any advise?

    You may want to concentrate on the weight loss 1st, situps will b easier later......aerobic(walk/run/swim) activity must maintain your heart rate over 100 over 15 min @ least 3x/week.I weight about 145 lbs and i am 5'4 i was to lose weight and tone up lose stomach any advise? weight about 145 lbs and i am 5'4 i was to lose weight and tone up lose stomach any advise?
    Maybe u should get some information about instantly reduce excess body weight at鈥?/a>
    i weigh 145 and i am 5'8 i say you do ALOT of sit ups or get the ab lounger! either way you win but the situps hurt and the ab lounger relaxes you! good luck!

    Advise with preparing farewell remarks for clergy?

    I have been asked by our pastor to present the farewell speech to a member of our clergy who is leaving our church to take another position elsewhere. He is a remarkable person and will truly be missed by all. Never given remarks of this type before and want to do a great job with the presentation. Remarks should not last longer than 3 to 5 minutes. Help!!!!Advise with preparing farewell remarks for clergy?
    Can't write your speech for you, but here are some suggestions:

    1) Describe the many good things he has done for the members of your church and for the community.

    2) Thank him for all the things he has done.

    3) Tell him how much he will be missed.

    4) Send good thoughts (or blessings) to him in the future.

    Advise with preparing farewell remarks for clergy?

    I have been asked by our pastor to present the farewell speech to a member of our clergy who is leaving our church to take another position elsewhere. He is a remarkable person and will truly be missed by all. Never given remarks of this type before and want to do a great job with the presentation. Remarks should not last longer than 3 to 5 minutes. Help!!!!Advise with preparing farewell remarks for clergy?
    Can't write your speech for you, but here are some suggestions:

    1) Describe the many good things he has done for the members of your church and for the community.

    2) Thank him for all the things he has done.

    3) Tell him how much he will be missed.

    4) Send good thoughts (or blessings) to him in the future.
  • cosmetics
  • If they did interview the child what legal steps can you take or advise can you give?

    Did they interview the child are are you asking a hypothetical question? If YES to the former - what exactly were the circs?If they did interview the child what legal steps can you take or advise can you give?
    I presume your referring to when a child is tried

    in a court of law, as an adult. (But, you will have

    to be more specific here). What advice should

    be given to the child depends on several things:

    such as the circumstances involved--the crime

    in-question; the child's age and their background.

    I suggest you rephrase your question, providing

    the necessary details.If they did interview the child what legal steps can you take or advise can you give?
    It is indeed an important matter. You see it depends on the circumstances. On the kind of interview.

    Point 1. If it is the crime investigation proceedings - child is entitled to all rights and freedoms from the Bill of Rights (1791) and some international conventions for these signed by the USA become in accordance with the Constitution part of the Law of the land (it is very important) Point 2. You can not apply any interrogations methods to child it is illegal

    Point 3. All questions must be as polite as simple as moral as it is possible

    Point 4. Attorney family member(or other guardian, patron of representative) must be invited and attend such an occasion

    Point 5. Mental (and what more) physical pressure on such a young person as any other methods are strictly prohibited

    I would like to invest in some shares in mining (uranium). Can anyone advise me what would be the best to do?

    Your question reveals the fact that you are a complete newbie with very weak basic, fundamental knowledge in the stock markets and is about to do something you might regret for a very long time.

    Investing or trading the stock markets never start from asking how to buy a certain stock (lets not even get into why you want to buy mining stocks in the first place because you won't be able to answer why either.)... it starts from adequate investment and trading knowledge. There are quite a number of things you need to learn before you can even start thinking of the stock markets ...

    1. You need to understand how the stock market works and what it is exactly about.

    2. You need to know what are the different styles of trading in stocks and shares.

    3. You need to read about why so many people lose their shirts in the stock markets so that you can avoid their mistakes and also decide if this is a risk you want to take.

    For all these issues and more, you can read about them from some of the articles that I wrote at鈥?/a>

    After you are adequately armed with the basic concepts and ideas, you need to know how to find profitable stocks to trade or invest in. You can do that the easy way by subscribing to stock pick services (example ) or you can learn to use charting tools and softwares to find stocks with parameters that you can pre-define. (example )

    All in all, investment and trading is a lifelong education and non stop learning. No one is ever done learning and catching up with changes in the markets.

    If you care to read about how I went from completely broke to retired millionaire trading stocks and options by 28 years old, you can go to

    Remember, the slogan ';Just Do It';, Just won't do for the stock markets. If profiting in the stock markets is as simple as buying a single stock , then why are so many people still poor?

    After you have all the above mentioned knowledge, you need to ask the following golden questions before you can decide whether a stock is worth buying or not :

    1. Why are you of the opinion that this stock will rise?

    2. Is your opinion valid in the first place?

    3. When are you expecting it to rise? Can you hold on for that period of time or longer?

    4. What is your expected entry price? After what price would your expected profit margin be too thin to enter upon?

    5. Where is your expected stop loss point? What is your stop loss point based on? Where will you tell yourself that it is time to take a loss and get out?

    6. Where is your expected profit taking point? What is your profit taking point based on?

    7. Does the way you are buying the stock allow you to hold on until your expected profit taking point?

    8. How much of your money should you dedicate to this one trade?

    9. What is the level of primary, secondary and idiosyncratic risk you are undertaking when deciding how much of your fund to use?

    10. What is your cashflow need? Does your cashflow needs allow you to hold the full lifetime of the stock?

    After you are able to answer all these questions confidently, THEN you are ready to... PAPER TRADE your stock strategy. Yes, even at this point, you are NOT READY to trade for real. You should trade on PAPER for at least 6 months and become consistently successful BEFORE you take your stock strategy into real life.

    Then.. you are ready to start... but there is still no guarantee of success as paper trading is very different from real trading. You will need another maybe 1 year or 2 trading very little money and be consistently successful BEFORE you are ready to increase your stakes.

    So, as you can see, success in the stock markets is not easy at all the the less knowledge you have, the more risk you undertake. I lost hundreds of thousands in the stock markets before I become successful.

    Take heed and good luck.

    http://www.mastersoequity.comI would like to invest in some shares in mining (uranium). Can anyone advise me what would be the best to do?
    BHP Billiton is an excellent way to invest in Uranium. The company's uranium mines, in Australia, sits right next to the fastest growing economies in the world, China and India. And the company also produces many other raw materials to feed these economies.

    Report Abuse

    I would like to invest in some shares in mining (uranium). Can anyone advise me what would be the best to do?
    Talk to a much are you planning on investing?
    For uranium, Cameco is the best investment, symbol CCJ. If you are looking for other mining investments, here is a portfolio that is all mining stocks:鈥?/a>

    This portfolio is from - this is a free site that lets you create a portfolio of stocks with $100,000 in ';play'; money. Each day the site ranks the best performing portfolios, so you can see how your picks perform compared to other investors. You can also read posts on investing from the best traders, as well as share your own investing ideas.

    Here are this month's best traders:鈥?/a>

    Good luck!
    i see you have money to waste.

    you'd enjoy LasVegas much more and a better Return On Investment (ROI). little guys always lose, sort of like gold mines.

    better ROI would be a book store.
    Buying uranium stocks or uranium mining stocks is not really ';investing';, it's more like gambling. There's nothing wrong with that, but you should understand that you are gambling.

    There is very little information or even liquidity in many of these stocks, they are mostly played with by insiders.

    If you want a piece of nuclear energy, why not invest in a company like Dominion Resources? (D)... They have a number of nuclear power facilities, make good profits, pay a good dividend, and have grown steadily over time:;t=my%26amp;l鈥?/a>

    Good luck!

    I am planning to buy a plot which is not approved. Can anyone advise me ';how to get approval to get a loan'; ?

    apply to local body/municipality for a building plan.

    if the plot is not in a approved layout the local body will sanction by collecting regularizing charges.

    after getting sanction you can apply Housing Loan and will be sanctioned.I am planning to buy a plot which is not approved. Can anyone advise me ';how to get approval to get a loan'; ?
    Think it over.

    Advise about the Day & Night duration at north & south pole?

    Does there total darkness during the night at poles?Advise about the Day %26amp; Night duration at north %26amp; south pole?
    From the perspective of the Northern Hemisphere...

    For the North Pole...

    The sun rises on the Spring Equinox, and stays risen for 6 months, until the Autumnal Equinox. At that time, the sun sets and it remains dark for 6 months. So right now the North Pole is completely dark.

    For the South Pole...

    The sun sets on the Spring Equinox, and stays set for 6 months, until the Autumnal Equinox. At that time, the sun rises and it remains risen for 6 months. So right now the South Pole is experiencing sunlight.

    I hv oncelling in vit, srm .amruta,manipal me intrsted in cse pls advise which is the best choice among all?

    pls advise me rank wise college which i get admitions%26amp; which is the best choice 4 me among them?I hv oncelling in vit, srm .amruta,manipal me intrsted in cse pls advise which is the best choice among all?

    My father just passed away I am helping my mother w/finances need advise on names on accounts and house/car?

    my mother is 80 years old/we've heard that her assets should be put into other names such as children. How can I protect her money and property from the state taking it should she become ill and need to go to a nursing home?My father just passed away I am helping my mother w/finances need advise on names on accounts and house/car?
    I work in a bank and what u should do is have your mum contact a solicitor and have her give you / someone she trusts rights over her affairs. It is called the Power Of Attorney. If your mum is ill her doctor can sign a form saying that she is incapable of looking after her own affairs, and should that day come then the ';power of attorney'; will have authority over all your mums assets. This is why it is important that it be someone she trusts. There is no need to change all of her things into someone elses name. What I would recommend is that your mum's will be kept up to date so that should THAT day come all of her assets will be divided up as she would have wished.My father just passed away I am helping my mother w/finances need advise on names on accounts and house/car?
    Her money and property are HERS as long as she is alive. If they need to be used take care of her, then that is what they should be used for. If you think she will need to go to a nursing home, then you probably want to start looking around for places to find something high quality and at a reasonable price.

    If she would like to share her wealth, she can give gifts of 12K per year to whoever she wants to. The house should definitely be in her name. You should consult with a lawyer about how to get your father's name off of the house.

    That way if she needs income and she is staying the house, she can get a reverse mortgage.

    She should also create a revokable trust and put the house and other assets in the trust. You can find more details on Suze Orman's website.
    See an attorney for Medicaid planning. You can go to the Medicaid office and ask for the guidelines for Medicaid, but they can be quite difficult to understand or follow. She can only transfer so much money over certain time periods according to Medicaid guidelines. Medicaid is really best for those who have a decent estate, but it would be spent in its entirety if they should have to go into a nursing home. Often, their home is exempt from their assets. It is a lengthy process. Generally, a Medicaid planning attorney or elder law attorney will meet with you for a consultation and will only charge you if they end up doing Medicaid planning for you. Often times, the money that is saved and able to pass on to their heirs is worth it though. If she does go into a nursing home, they do have the right to take any and all assets. You can get power of attorney (POA) for her, but it only gives you the right to make decisions for her. You can change her accounts into the POA's name, but would want to make sure the POA would use her money for the good of her. I have seen some children spend their parents money on everything but their parent. Also, you can deed the house over to the name of all the children. That way, when your mother passes away, everyone will have equal ownership (can avoid less fights that way.) But someone will still have to pay the nursing home bill which can be anywhere from $2500 up to or beyond $10,000 a month depending on the kind of care she needs. Otherwise, they will evict her. So, the money would still be depleted over time. If and when she qualifies for Medicaid, they will cover all nursing home expenses and other related costs.
    There are a lot of answers to your question. First if there are no other siblings you keep it from going into probate. It takes forever to get things sorted out. You need a Power of attorney. Lets you have control. You can also get the deed changed by having your name added as co-owner. Go to her bank and get the paperwork to have your name added to her account. This way you have access to funds in the event something happens to her. God forbid. There are a lot of things to do. But most of all it is important to have legal advice. There are attorneys that will help answer these questions and some are free. NO, you don't have to hire one if you are any ways near smart. Listen to what they tell you to do. There is also legal aid. The cost little or no money. Hope this helps. To get leagal guardianship is also an option. In Michigan it cost. Check into it. Find yourself and your mom a senior service center They have lots of information.
    the reason you put elder's property into other's names is because the homes you put them in claim all thier property either when they die or when they're admited... if you want her property to stay in the family... move it to the caretaker before putting her in a home... if not going into a home... don't worry about it.
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