Do you mean that you passed your motorcycle test? If so,congradulations!!!!! To start,I would get a used motorcycle that you can find parts for in a salvage yard-because they cost much less. I would get a smaller bike that you can sit on and your knees are slightly bent when feet are on the ground. I say this because it is easier to control at that height. I would not get a BIG,POWERFUL machine right off the bat. Get a bike with anywhere from 250 c.c.'s to a 500 c.c.'s. I would ride in the city and avoid heavy traffic until you are fully confident at your riding skills. Make sure you buy good insurance that will cover your medical expenses as much as possible. ALWAYS remember this-ASSUME that people can't see you and act accordingly. Stay out of the driver's blind spot to their rear right .Always maintain and replace any parts that MAY fail on the road-to be sure you don't get hurt from equipement failure.Pay close attention to your brakes and tires above all else.
Have a safe and happy life riding free!!!!!!Just passed my bike test and looking for a bike any advise or recommendations?
Well, I started on a CB 400, 1978 Honda. It was an automatic, so it was good to get used to traffic and being cautious without having to worry about shifting and stalling. It is a very high seated bike. I liked it. (still do)
Now I have a 750 Intruder. Pretty low to the ground, took a while to get used to. But I think it would have been a great first bike too. It is slimmer, I don't like those big fat tanks.
If you are buying a used bike, the seller should know when the last tune up was, have a copy of it, it should be clean and look well loved. Know how to check tire tread wear. Keep a few hundred bucks aside for shop inspection. Mine needed a carb cleanout and a switch. It cost me over $400 plus new tires another $400.Just passed my bike test and looking for a bike any advise or recommendations?
Wolf gives some good advice. I'd recommend Honda's CB500, Suzuki's SV650 or Bandit 650, or Kawasaki's ER500 as good bikes for a newish rider.
Ride like you're invisible.
Get any relatively small and common used bike (parts will be much easier to get). Stay away from monster 1300cc sport bikes or anything that says ';Hayabusa'; (lol). Pick out a bike that is around 500cc's that you fit on well. Just be careful and get used to it.
Kawasaki for your first bike and something with more cc's than 50cc bike as my mate tole me they are dangerours on the roads and won't get up to speed in time what you need is 150cc honda is also a good make. If you want to look ultra cool tham a triumpah or a harley woulod do you take your pick they all rock!
I have a Honda Shadow VLX 600. It is perfect for a beginner or advanced rider. Low to the ground about 500 lbs. Plenty of power for a single rider but if you have a lot of adult passengers a little weak. New only about $6 grand but you can get used for 2-3 grand.
Buy something mid-range that you can get your feet down comfortably on. Don't buy too new or spend too much - pretty soon your head is going to be turned in all directions by all those pretty models out there that are now available to you these change every six months and so will your outlook. Take time to talk to other riders before making any sort of committment. If you do find your heart set on something the check out sources like What Bike? for road test ratings.
Congratulations on passing your test hon. Take care.
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