Thursday, August 19, 2010

Im 42weeks pregnant and over it and need inducing advise???

Can anyone give me any advise on home inducing remedy,

Ive tryed castor oil,brisk walking,bumpy rides,membrane rupture (my doc), sex, raspberry tea and still nothing, i would prefer to go into labour naturally ANY IDEAS please, i have my scheduled appointmet to be induced on Thursday, i hope maybe some one has a really good remedy or an idea :(Im 42weeks pregnant and over it and need inducing advise???
oh you poor thing! i went over 41 weeks and that was bad enough,

when i went into labour, the day before all i ate was spicy food, breakfast(yuk!) dinner and tea. then the next day i spent all day in town shopping, went into labour at around 6pm and had him by 9.30.

im not saying this will definately start you off (i think mine was more coincidence) but you can only try right?

good luck hun! your baby will be here quicker than you think :)Im 42weeks pregnant and over it and need inducing advise???
Love-making Sexual intercourse is thought to work in two ways. It may trigger the release of a hormone called oxytocin - the 'contraction' hormone - and this may increase the frequency of Braxton-Hicks, or practice, contractions. Semen also contains substances called prostaglandins. These can help to ripen, or soften, the neck of the womb (cervix) ready for it to dilate when labour contractions start.

Nipple stimulation This will release the hormone oxytocin and may help start labour. It's only likely to be successful if your cervix is 'ripe' and ready to dilate, otherwise it seems to help with the ripening process. There is no agreement on how much nipple stimulation you need, or how often, to stimulate contractions.

Walking This is also a common suggestion. The explanation appears to be that the pressure of your baby's head pressing down on the cervix from the inside stimulates the release of oxytocin, hopefully bringing on labour. If your baby has not 'dropped' or is still high in the pelvis, walking will also encourage your baby into a better position so that labour is more likely to start on its own.

Complementary therapies Some women find complementary therapies, such as acupuncture or reflexology, helpful for getting things moving. Always take advice from a qualified practitioner who is aware of your medical history and has experience of working with pregnant women.

best of luck with it all
i know the feeling hun, I'm 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant and hopefully being induced tomorrow, not because i asked but because my placenta is starting to age and has white dots on it. i found that out last week on Thursday and iam ment to be put in on Thursday to be induced i think but i moved my doctors app up tomorrow because I'm worried about my placenta and if my baby is still getting everything he needs. here are some ways to induce labor and i hope one of them help you out. good luck and congrats.

Ways to Induce Labour:


Home Induction

There are any number of ways to try to induce labour. They vary from nipple stimulation and intercourse, to ingesting herbs and substances like castor oil. Any method you are interested in should be discussed with your midwife or obstetrician prior to attempting to use self-induction techniques.


Typically less intervention required but please note disadvantages below. Generally if your body and baby are not ready these will not work, but varies by method. Easier to do and less worrisome for most mothers.


There can be serious consequences, particularly if you are not at term and your baby is not ready to be born. Many of the old wives tales, like castor oil, do not generally work and can have potential complications including things like meconium staining, fetal distress, etc. Always check with your midwife or obstetrician before using any of these methods.

Types of Home Inductions

Many women will swear by one or all of these, however, not all women will go in to labour with any method of induction.


Sexual intercourse

Orgasm with or without a partner

Nipple stimulation

Certain foods (i.e. spicy foods, oily salads)

Bumpy car rides

Strenuous activity

Visualisation (using the power of thought and imagination)

Castor oil

Certain herbs and homeopathics (black and blue cohosh, caulophyllum, etc.)

Pineapple Peice's.
You are already 2 weeks overdue! Why won' the doctor induce you? A friend of mine was induced yesterday and she was 1 week overdue. She had to have a c-section.
I am not sure what would work for you. however I have given birth four times and 2 of those times I was induced by the doctor and the other two were natural. My first natural one I went hiking and then went home and took a very warm bath which then caused me to go in to labor (I was at the doc 3 hours before and was not doing a thing) the next natural I was given a sleeping pill by my doc (I had not been sleeping) and about a hour later I woke to my water breaking. My son was born 43 min later.
there is a pressure point in the inside of your leg about an inch and a half above your ankles. Rub and massage these points, they produce contractions. Or instead of nipple stimulation if you have a breast pump start pumping !!! Either of these or go get some sleep. Your gonna need it. Good Luck !!! it really wont be long now.....surely.

this is what broke my moms water, she laughed at something funny my dad said to her....

relax and watch the comedy channel or a funny movie.

if you want read something about pregnancy

i just come accross this blog which may help you
supposedly you can try blue or black cohosh, I just walked but I walked more than 4 miles till my contractions were superhard and delivered two hours later
Oh Don't try anything at home apart from sex. Or your Dr can insert some gel to start things off for you.

My mother-in-law made me drink castor oil with my 1st. I was so ill I almost died giving birth. I was vomiting the whole time i was in labor. The oil made my bowel run so badly I lost all control.

I ended up with a emergency C-section and spend 14 days in hosp recovering. As a nurse I should have known better but like you all I wanted was my baby out. I learned a hard lesson.
Hi, I hope your well. I understand the frustration you must be feeling, hang in there, your baby will trigger labour when he/she is ready to enter the world!( Its possible that the due date is not spot on,and that may be why bub hasnt come yet.)In the mean time, enjoy as much sleep/rest as you can, cause once your little cherub arrives, that will be a luxury of the past!

I have just found out today that I am pregnant with my second child, and here I am, I think its about 4am, and I cant sleep!! I have suffered from insomnia for a long time, but have been able to sleep with the aid of prescription tablets, but I cant take them now that Im pregnant.(hence the reason Im awake at this hour!) What is the sleeping pill your doctor has given you? I would love to know so I can ask my doc for it. Many Thanks, and I wish you all the best!
Get someone to call in the middle of the night, the fright of it may bring on labour.

Watch a scary movie, again heart increase, addrenalin, knowen to bring on labour.

Hot bath.

Good luck, I hope your not reading this, hopefully your having your baby now.

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